Best Workplaces for Women™️ in GCC

The value of women in the workforce is well recognized. Establishing and developing gender equality has emerged as an essential principle of social, economic, and political growth as societies develop.

Women’s inclusion and involvement in the workforce have a wide range of positive effects that transcend specific businesses and industries. In addition to being beneficial to companies, fostering a diverse working environment opens the path for a more successful future for all.

Women serve as a great asset to a diverse, innovative, and dynamic environment, boosting the steps involved in problem-solving and decision-making. Indeed, companies that value diversity typically have greater flexibility and success in the up-to-date, evolving marketplace. To accentuate this point, they tackle problems and contribute in different ways, which can improve team spirit and overall performance.

We like to take this opportunity to showcase women’s influence in leadership positions:

– Women in leadership positions are perceived as role models for younger generations.

– Young women get motivated to have trust in their own capabilities when they see recognizable female success in leadership positions.

– Girls are inspired to look for job opportunities in various sectors, promoting diversity in the workforce.

– Women in positions of decision-making provide comprehensive insights into consumer preferences.

– The skills of women promote market competitiveness by enabling businesses to better deliver their products and services to a variety of customers.

Join us to celebrate the companies that have made a significant change in embracing a great work culture for women, which has led them to receive recognition in the list of Best Workplaces for Women™️ in GCC 2023.

Date: September 28, 2023

Time: 04:00 PM UAE/Oman Time | 03:00 PM KSA/Kuwait/Qatar/Bahrain Time

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